
Welcome to our cacao page. Here you will find all kinds of superfood products containing the cacao bean fruit. Our organic cacao beans contain many antioxidants and are a rich source of minerals. Cacao is known as the basis of chocolate, but can be used in many different ways in drinks and dishes. You can buy cacao here in large quantities, for companies and individuals.

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The difference between cacao and cocoa

Before we tell you more about cacao, you should know the difference between cacao and cocoa. They both mean the same thing, only there is a clear difference. One uses the term cacao before the cacao beans have been roasted. Whereas you use cocoa when this has already happened.

What is cacao?

Cacao comes from fruits that grow on the cacoa tree. The origin of these trees lies in South America, especially the Amazon region. But cacao can also be grown in various places around the equator. The cacao beans from these trees are roasted and ground after which cacao powder and cacao butter remain.

Many substances in raw cacao can promote your physical and mental well-being.

Applications of cacao

You can buy Organic Cacao Beans and Cacao Powder on our website, but what can you actually do with it? The largest part of the cacao production is used for chocolate. The nutritional value of cacao powder is high, and therefore Raw Cacao Powder or Cacao Nibs can be healthy and an asset to the daily diet, especially when you consume the cacao powder without sugar. The bitter taste takes some getting used to, but in time you will start to appreciate the rich taste.

Using our cacao products, you can make the tastiest cakes, biscuits, cottage cheese and chocolate smoothies. Cacao is a versatile product so let your creativity run wild.

What makes organic cacao so special?

Our cacao is organic and of good quality. We sell pure beans, cacao powder without added sugars, alkalised cocoa powder, cocoa butter and cocoa nibs, healthy and good for people and the environment. The production process is geared to retaining as many of the nutrients in the beans as possible, without any additives. The result is our delicious Organic Cacao powder.

What you also taste is the well-being of the environment and the farmers who grow the cacao, assessed by the European label. The cacao trees grow in natural soil and only natural pesticides are used by the farmers to protect the production. At Naturaplaza, we offer this type of cacao at a fair price.

Where to buy cacao beans?

At Naturaplaza you will find a wide range of superfood cacao. Buy organic cacao with care for people, animals and the environment. We offer two different types of cacao: natural cacao and alkalised cacao. Natural cacao contains the classic bitter flavour of cacao, suitable for the real aficionado and easy to use as organic cacao powder. Alkaline cacao undergoes a process which reduces the bitter taste, but retains the original chocolate flavour.

Different types of organic cacao beans

There is a variety of cacao bean types. The three main ones are: the Forastero, the Criollo and the Trinitario. With the Forastero cacao bean as the most common species. The Forastero bean originates from the Amazon region. The tree from which it grows is known to have resisted several plant diseases and can become relatively old. Very suitable for making organic cocoa powder.

Criollo is very different from the Forastero bean. Criollo, which means 'native' in Spanish, produces much less than the Forastero tree. Also, this fruit is less protected against plant diseases. But the end product is more than worth it. The content of this fruit has an aromatic taste and is certainly not bitter, compared to other types of cacao.

These types of cacao each have their own unique flavour and characteristics. The soil in which the trees are grown often plays a major role in the final taste of the cacao. This requires intensive and careful work so that you can buy the best organic cacao powder and cacao beans.

Applications of cacao butter

Cacao butter is extracted from the cacao bean, separating the butter from the raw cacao powder. Cacao butter is released after pressing the cacao fruits and is rich in vitamin K and vitamin E, therefore it contains many antioxidants. This product has a deliciously sweet aroma.

Cacao butter is a real asset for culinary dishes, but that is not the only thing it can be used for. Cacao butter is also used in many cosmetic products, such as balms and other care products.